In honor of entertainment's award season, this Iron Craft challenge was to make something inspired by TV or movies, or something that could be worn on the red carpet.
I had a really tough time trying to figure out what to do for this challenge. I just wasn't feeling inspired by any ideas I had. Finally, I was browsing Pinterest and came across a pattern for crocheting or knitting a Mockingjay Pin, worn by Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games. A light bulb went off. I love The Hunger Games! I've got the books on my kindle and have read them at least 4 or 5 times. So I grabbed some yarn and got to work.
I know this makes 3 out of 4 challenges that I've crocheted. I do have other crafting skill sets, promise! It's just that my sewing machine and other craft paraphernalia happen to be in the baby's room, so it's not available to me during my favorite crafting time (late at night), because the baby's asleep. I've been meaning to move all my craft and sewing stuff to my room, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I think I'll commit to getting that done in time for the next challenge. Hold me to it!
Anywhooooo ... This page contains a link to the chart I used to make the mockingjay.
*Update* Unfortunately, the chart pattern seems to have been removed from the website. I haven't been able to find another chart like this one. If I do, I'll post it here.
As I crocheted, while it was exciting to see the pattern slowly emerge and become recognizable, I wasn't really sure what I was going to do with this square I was making. Eventually I settled on turning it into a simple tote bag. So I made another square for the back, sewed them together, and added handles.
I've crocheted tote bags before, and while I like the way they look, I don't like the way the crochet fabric stretches out of shape when you use the bag. So I put a sewn lining into my bag (here's how). Now it can handle actually toting stuff around, and won't pull out of shape.
Hmm, now I'm craving bread, goat cheese, and lamb stew with dried plums...
Linked to Tatertots and Jello Weekend Wrap-Up Party