Friday, May 11, 2012

Scripture Covers

Our Primary presidency has been encouraging all the kids to bring their scriptures to Primary each week. I've kind of been a slacker, and my kids didn't even have any scriptures. But I went to the thrift store today and got Zaylee and Thomas each a hardcover Book of Mormon that they can bring to church.

And of course, I can't get them each a Book of Mormon without making each of them a scripture cover to go with it!

I used this tutorial from delia creates. It was very easy to follow and the cases both turned out really cute. I think I like Zaylee's a little bit more, just because the fabric is so colorful and fun. Anyway, the kids are really excited to have their own scriptures and to have such fun scripture covers to carry them around in.

Of course, coming from the thrift store, the books have been written in. The kids don't mind though, I don't think they even noticed.

Linking to tatertots & jello Weekend Wrap Up Party